Freestyle Checking
For teens ages 13 to 17 years old
"Adulting" is a term in the Urban Dictionary referring to doing grown up things and holding responsibilities.
What better way for a teen to take that first step towards "adulting" than to have their own checking account! Teens who learn how to be responsible with their money today are more likely to make good financial decisions tomorrow.
- $5.00 minimum to open account
- No monthly balance requirements, no monthly fee
- Free Online Banking
- No Fee Online Statements*
- Free Mobile App with Check Deposit
- Free Mobile Wallet - Apple Pay, Google Pay and more
- CardBeat App - Turn your debit card on and off, manage your spending, get card alerts
- Free Debit Card**
- Free telephone banking service - EverReady 24 Hour Teller
- Surcharge-free Allpoint ATM Network
Tips for Parents & Guardians
What's the key to teaching your teen smart money management skills? It's to talk about money. Teens are naturally interested in the topic and want to learn more.
- Help your teen review his/her bank statement.
- Discuss smart spending habits and brainstorm ways they can spend smarter to reach savings goals faster.
- Encourage your teen to set aside part of the money from their summer job or gifts from grandparents. Saving 10% of their income is a great goal, and will start them down the path to responsible adulthood and living within their means.
RealityCheck Student Checking
For college students ages 18 to 23 years old
You are closing the door on high school and focusing on the future. You're on your own for the first time. So many things to learn, new environment, new roommate, the professors, deadlines that matter, responsibilities.
Wow - Reality Check!
With Healthcare Financial Federal Credit Union's RealityCheck Student Checking, it's easy for first-time checking users to adapt to banking without the pressure of too many requirements or responsibilities.
College can be stressful - banking doesn't have to be!
- $5.00 minimum to open account
- No monthly balance requirements, no monthly fee
- No Direct Deposit required
- Free Online Banking (set up account alerts) with Free Bill Pay
- Free Debit Card**
- Free Mobile App with Check Deposit and Credit Sense
- CardBeat App- turn your debit card on and off, set and track spending, get account alerts
- No Fee Online Statements**
- Free telephone banking service - EverReady 24 Hour Teller
- Surcharge-free Allpoint ATM Network. Over 55,000 ATMs worldwide
Optional $500 VISA Credit Card
No credit check! All you need to do is secure $250.00 in a separate savings account for this purpose. You get a $500 limit, we secure it with a $250 balance*.