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Annual Meeting

Healthcare Financial FCU’s 74th Annual Meeting is scheduled for 5:30 PM on Thursday, April 24, 2025. Venue to be announced. We will keep you updated. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.

Each year the Board President appoints a nominating committee to nominate members for each vacancy on the Board of Directors. The Board consists of seven Board Members. Three Board positions are up for re‐election this year to serve a three-year term.

The nominating committee has completed its process and its’ recommendations for all open positions. Here is a brief biography of the nominees.

Nominations for board vacancies may also be made by members through a petition process. If you pursue the petition process, Nomination Packets can be obtained at the Credit Union offices or on our website, On the blue explorer bar in the middle of our homepage, click on “Call for Board Nominations 2025” and download the packet. All nominations by petition must include the Petition to Nominate Candidate for Board of Directors signed by 84 members (1% of the membership) accompanied by the Application for Elective Office form and a publishable personal statement of 250 words or less. All nominations by petition must be received by March 17, 2025, for inclusion on the ballot. Any applicants who submit valid petitions with the required number of signatures will appear on the ballot. Signatures for petitions may not be obtained on Credit Union premises, which would result in the forfeiture of eligibility for candidacy if attempted.

Nominations by petition, along with those from the nominating committee will be posted in the Credit Union lobby at least 35 days before the Annual Meeting. There will be no election by ballot or nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting.

We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you on April 24, 2025! Stay well!